A Question Of Independence
Many home schoolers, especially the well-seasoned ones, choose to be independent, i.e., they do not enroll in an established program. They spend many hours every year at conventions, book fairs, used book sales, and teacher supply stores, poring over every kind of curriculum. They spend more hours deciding among the myriad of alternatives. They develop daily or weekly lesson plans; assemble or create all their children’s daily work and tests; grade all of it; and design report cards, diplomas, transcripts—and everything else—on their home computer.
Some home schoolers have the desire to be independent. But others have been driven to this kind of effort because they have been led to believe that, unless they home school from scratch, they have somehow fallen short of the ideal.
Now, mind you, we love independent home schoolers! Many of them select Christian Liberty textbooks and readers! Independent home schoolers who already know and love our books are the kind of people we like to introduce to the CLASS program.
CLASS is an alternative for those who prefer independence but are weary of having to do it all themselves. Why not let CLASS assemble your curriculum from a selection of courses developed over more than 35 years? We offer comprehensive administrative services, yet leave you free to structure your own day, set your own schedule, and turn in your work when you are ready.
We assign the individual courses, but adjustments are available if you need them. The order in which you complete your courses is up to you. You can wait to start history or science until the second semester if you want. There are no rigid schedules for submitting work, and you have an entire year—not just nine or ten months—to complete your assignments. You can even purchase up to three (3) extension quarters if you need more time to complete a grade level.
Another reason for independent home schoolers to consider CLASS is—It’s a great value! For no more, and often far less, than you spend doing it all yourself, you can eliminate the guesswork and drudgery. We take the guesswork out of home schooling by assembling a complete and proven curriculum for your grade level. Then we remove the drudgery by providing administrative services which include grading the tests, sending quarterly report cards, sending transcripts when you need them, granting recognized diplomas at eighth and twelfth grades, and maintaining your student’s cumulative records. Help is just a phone call or email away every business day.
from: http://www.homeschools.org/
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