Could your child benefit from a reading program? Do they struggle in school due to lack of skills? Or do you just want them to get a little bit of a head start on their reading skills? Maybe you are interested in a speed reading program for yourself. Whatever the reason you have for looking into additional reading helps; there are a multitude of resources available to you.

- Tutoring is probably the most expensive option for a reading program that you can get. Whether you get a private tutor or go to a tutoring center, it will cost quite a bit of money. However, it will probably be money that is well-spent. If your child is struggling, the one on one attention and additional assessments could make all the difference in their future reading success. This type of reading program is generally used by children or teenagers. Some even offer guarantees of success.
- A home based reading program is something that you may have seen advertised on TV, in a magazine, or even online. They can be used for young children who are just learning to read, or they can be speed reading courses for teens and adults. Often they include items such as computer programs and games, books, flash cards, videos, and lessons. They may seem to be a bit expensive, but if they work then they are well worth the cost. This is good reading program for those parents and students who are more self-motivated.
- An online reading program can be anything from a simple computer game to practice phonics and naming letters and sounds, to a whole online reading program to teach speed reading. You will find some that are completely free and others that charge a regular subscription rate. This is an excellent way for children to strengthen skills they are just learning in a fun and entertaining way. For speed reading, some courses promise success in just a few hours or days.
- Check for free community resources. Many libraries and bookstores offer programs to readers of all ages. You can read for time or you may be asked to read a certain number of books and then you can be given a prize or entered in drawings. This is a common practice over summer vacation. It is a fun way to keep kids and adults reading while school is out so that those skills are not lost.
Eriani Doyel
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