So, give reading another chance. Here are some pointers for finding the kinds of books that will interest you personally:
- Decide what you're in the mood for. High adventure? Romance? Perhaps you enjoyed a recent movie or TV mini-series; chances are it was based on a book you'd enjoy also.
- Ask around. Ask friends, a favorite teacher, or your coach to suggest books they enjoyed.
- Check out the library. It won't cost you anything, and the choice is virtually unlimited. Don't be shy about asking a librarian a question like, Do you have any books on rock music?
- Browse in a bookstore. Find the section that interests you—fantasy, cars, computers, or whatever. Treat yourself to an inexpensive paperback, or just have a look around. And don't overlook used bookstores. They are treasure troves for those who like to dig.
- Consult a list of books other teenagers have enjoyed. Ask for a book list at your school or public library, or write for your own.
- Don't judge a book by its cover. What you see on the cover is not necessarily what you get. Read the short reviews printed inside a dust jacket, or skim the first chapter to find out what a book is really about.
- Try a few pages. If the books not for you, put it aside and try another, until you find a winner.
- Read at your own pace. Reading isn't a contest. So what if you read slowly or skip words here and there? If you're interested, you'll read to the end, and that's what counts. And you'll probably find yourself picking up speed along the way.
- Let one good thing lead to another. When you read something that really speaks to you, you may be sorry to have it end. But the end is never really the end for a person who reads. You can always open another book, and another, and another.
by : Author: Laura J. Colker, Ed. D.
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