Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Education Online

All over the world, millions of honest, hard-working people are being forced out of their financial and social comfort zones by a trend toward global recession. It all looks very bleak and scary for those who are clinging to their old ways. So, free education also avalable in online learning.

Free Education Online
By Mario G. Churchill

This would be a really great idea if it were really true. In some cases when you do a search for free education online you do get results, however after you go to the web site to see more about it, then you find the truth about free education online.

Photo: education-portal.com

It is in fact free education online, however there are fees and other things you have to buy in order to take whatever it is you are wanting to learn more about.

Then, you go to a different site completely and find out that you can get a free education online, if you comply with certain college incentive programs.

So, where is the free education that applies, with no attachments of any kind? There are some but they are few and you really have to do some searching. That is if it is for something worth learning in the first place.

What I am trying to say is that yes, there is free education online in forms of typing or language skills, phonics, or some other easy thing. But is there really free education online without any type of cost. Where you take a full fledged course and receive a certificate or diploma as part of the free education online. I'm really not sure.

I have done a lot of research and it seems there is always something attached to the free education online that you find, and when you find a possible or maybe free education online, it is only for a certain amount of time and then after that you start paying if you don't complete the course in a certain time frame, then the free education online, becomes costly. You have gone so far, do they really think you are going to just quit? It just doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

Then, I found this course finder that says they will help you find free education online and all this other information, however, the so called course finder doesn't seem to be able to find any thing you are looking for in a free education online.

So ultimately, you try another and once again it seems you are being let on a wild goose chase once again.

There are free education online programs and other web sites you'll find, however as you get into the web site and read more into it, I have a feeling you will soon find the truth of the matter. Although some people really don't care, because once they get to the web site, they are so in to what the site has to offer they essentially aren't worried about the small fees they have to pay or the e books they have to buy and then download.

Somewhere I am sure there is free education online, because there are so many search results that I didn't check however, you need to have some time set aside to where you can check out several of the free education online web sites in order to find one that actually means what it says. For the most part, there seems to be a conflict in the image of free education online.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more info on free courses online checkout his website.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Learn to write before read

Write To Be Read
By Shannon Evans

KISS (Keep It Simple Silly) is the perfect acronym for authors to embrace. Short simple sentences are not only easier to read but get the author's point across faster. When people really "get" something in your book they are more likely to talk about it and spread the word. Spreading the word can often translate to selling more books.

Photo: macsparky.com

Readers today do not want to reflect on or respond to lengthy parcels of writing. They want the meat and potatoes of the work laid out for them in language that is easy to follow. While James Joyce and Herman Melville produced outstanding literature that has stood the test of time, who reads their work casually?

Academics may read it but most students will look for the movie version or the Cliff notes. Why? The sentences are often three miles long and arduous to follow. The personal pain and suffering of the reader is so great as they attempt to slog through the content that they are tempted to fling the book across the room. They just want the whale to eat the captain and be done with it all! 600 pages later they reach a conclusion that might have been made much sooner. If only Melville had to economize on the use of paper and ink perhaps his manuscript would be shorter.

How do you write to be read? First you have to engage your reader. Think back to kindergarten...reading was fun! Exciting! When we were first introduced to learning how to read it was a socially active engaging experience. We used simple language to learn phonics skills and built word walls. Writing and reading was interactive! Reading was Dick and Jane and Spot and Puff and all their silly adventures. Then we graduated to Dr. Seuss and the art of rhyming word families. Oh, the places we did go with our reading!

As authors, we need to get back to that simple carefree use of language. We need to write to be read in a way that engages the reader and makes them excited about the content. Throw out those long passages of scenery description. Economize on the length of word and the details. This is not 11th grade where you have to show your knowledge of the language, the rules of grammar, and the depth of your vocabulary.

Readers prefer:

Dialogue and lots of it

Showing and not telling by the author

Less detail

Try and be the incognito author in your book. Everytime an author interjects more than a "said" in dialogue they are butting in the scene. The author should remain as invisible as possible. Show readers through dialogue the conflict and action of your story.

If you are describing a snow storm does the reader really need to know what each flake looks like as it falls to the ground? Remove words that are not found in everyday language. Honestly, who really uses words like "ubiquitious" and "mendacious"? Use natural language and write like your audience speaks. They want a reading environment that is comfortable to them.

Writing to be read means tightly scripted work. Cut, pare down, and chop away at pretentious writing no one really wants to read. Sometimes the simplest writing can put forth the most complex ideas. When you write to be read you make every word count.

Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of http://www.mywritingmentor.com/ lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle."
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years teaching composition and technical writing to native and non-native English speaking students she knows how to help every writer make every word count.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gift Cards for this Holiday

The holiday season is come back again. Do you want to gift something for anyone but no have idea to buy anything yet. I would like to suggest you to buy or change to a gift card. A gift card is a restricted monetary equivalent or scrip that is issued by retailers or banks to be used as an alternative to a non monetary gift.

Therefor, your gift card's recipient can buy the gift or anything that they want or favorite, it easy for you and happy to receiver. Gift cards have become increasingly popular as they relieve the donor of selecting a specific gift. The recipient of the gift card can use it at his or her discretion within the restrictions set by the issuing agency. So, you can choose the price for your gift card which you want to buy for anybody. For more information about gift cards just visit Amazon.com.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Education Online

Education online enables a person to earn a degree sitting at home. Online education is free from time and space constraints, as anyone from anywhere in the world at any time can utilize the various programs available online. A wide range of educational tools and resources are available on the internet.

Free Education Online
By Mario G. Churchill

This would be a really great idea if it were really true. In some cases when you do a search for free education online you do get results, however after you go to the web site to see more about it, then you find the truth about free education online.

Please click here for more information
Photo: eduknowledge.org

It is in fact free education online, however there are fees and other things you have to buy in order to take whatever it is you are wanting to learn more about.

Then, you go to a different site completely and find out that you can get a free education online, if you comply with certain college incentive programs.

So, where is the free education that applies, with no attachments of any kind? There are some but they are few and you really have to do some searching. That is if it is for something worth learning in the first place.

What I am trying to say is that yes, there is free education online in forms of typing or language skills, phonics, or some other easy thing. But is there really free education online without any type of cost. Where you take a full fledged course and receive a certificate or diploma as part of the free education online. I'm really not sure.

I have done a lot of research and it seems there is always something attached to the free education online that you find, and when you find a possible or maybe free education online, it is only for a certain amount of time and then after that you start paying if you don't complete the course in a certain time frame, then the free education online, becomes costly. You have gone so far, do they really think you are going to just quit? It just doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

Then, I found this course finder that says they will help you find free education online and all this other information, however, the so called course finder doesn't seem to be able to find any thing you are looking for in a free education online.

So ultimately, you try another and once again it seems you are being let on a wild goose chase once again.

There are free education online programs and other web sites you'll find, however as you get into the web site and read more into it, I have a feeling you will soon find the truth of the matter. Although some people really don't care, because once they get to the web site, they are so in to what the site has to offer they essentially aren't worried about the small fees they have to pay or the e books they have to buy and then download.

Somewhere I am sure there is free education online, because there are so many search results that I didn't check however, you need to have some time set aside to where you can check out several of the free education online web sites in order to find one that actually means what it says. For the most part, there seems to be a conflict in the image of free education online.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more info on free courses online checkout his website.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Left and Right Brained

This theory of the structure and functions of the mind suggests that the two different sides of the brain control two different “modes” of thinking. It also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.

Can A Left Brained Teacher Effectively Teach A Right Brained Student?
By Arnold Cafe

The most intriguing and mysterious part of the human anatomy is our brain. It weighs about three pounds and yet it is more sophisticated than the most complicated computer that we have known around. Perhaps because artificial intelligence has a limited scope, compared to the human brain. It serves as our CPU but it is more than that because as such it has the ability to coordinate with our emotions, the abstract part of our human anatomy which computers don't have. Besides our brain has two hemispheres which we both used, but it is something of which part whether the left brained or right brained hemisphere we often and dominantly used most of the time. To know the nature of how we preferably utilize them, would determine which preferred academic skills and strength we are in. The brain works by which each hemisphere taking more activity different from the other.

Home Remedies For Better Health
Photo: ideachampions.com

The left hemisphere of the brain takes care for handwriting, symbols, language, reading, phonics, locating details and facts, talking and reciting, following directions, listening and auditory association while the right hemisphere is responsible for haptic awareness, spatial relationship, shapes and patterns, mathematical computations, color, sensitivity, singing and music, art expression, creativity, visualization, feelings and emotions. The understanding of each hemispheric scope can lead to specialization of certain academic skills of an individual to which he is inclined to. Since certain skills are assigned to either the left or the right hemispherical of the brain, this has shown to us that there must be more than one way of teaching the students.

Success in teaching cannot be achieved until we discover the true potential strengths and weaknesses of the students whether it is in the left or right hemisphere. To obtain optimal results in teaching, the teacher must exploit the strengths of the student. A right brained student, however, may instinctively not receptive in his thinking power when a left brained teacher gives the same inappropriate lessons which tantamount to inattention, boredom, or other behavioral problems that can affect his learning process pessimistically.

It would be the best interest to everyone, parents and teachers alike to identify individual thinking patterns of the students and find methods in meeting their needs, design lessons and prepare them, that would generate interest and enthusiasm on the part of the student.

It can be noted that most schools and teachers are still focused on the left brained based experience and teaching, despite the intricacies that it has brought in. Of course this cannot be a good excuse by the school and teacher of not meeting their student needs. The responsibility for providing right brained based learning experience depends with both teachers and parents. It is now high time to do something and take time to find out and study the students learning pattern better.

One can imagine if what happens when a right brained student has a left brained teacher? Surely, problems can occur. Giving lessons in some way strange and unknown to these students cannot bring any benefit to them at all. It is therefore important for mentors to note that they have to determine in which brain hemisphere that the student is more inclined to and address it accordingly to meet their needs.

The so- called crises in education is simply the failure of our schools to identify these students and determine the best way to teach them based on brain hemispherical test evaluation.

Let us support the students by helping them discover their true potentials and fully exploit their talents to become leaders of their chosen fields of interest. Notwithstanding, that historically, inventors and the greatest minds of our time and of many known fields were right brained individuals like Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Beethoven and Mozart.

Arnold Cafe is an active internet marketer and author of Ideas Galore: http://www.affleap.com/blog/